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About Us​

Simplicity Speaks was born out of necessity. As military families, we move often and do not have control over many of the big changes in our lives. Thanks to a popular TV show about professional organizing, my eyes were opened to the possibilities available and this wonderful opportunity to help others. Organization is such a need in our busy lives. Once I discovered that I could help reduce the stress in families’ lives, I couldn’t stop. This is a huge passion of mine and I couldn’t imagine a more fulfilling career. 

About Amber

As a military spouse, moving often, and a mom of a tenacious toddler, I am very familiar with clutter and disorganization. Like many of my clients, I reached my breaking point. I was frustrated with the reactive, cluttered and overwhelming life I was leading and knew there had to be a better way! Many months, Youtube videos, audible books and podcasts later, I finally felt the relief that decluttering and organizing had brought to my life. My stress level and anxiety dropped dramatically. 

After feeling this weight lifted off my shoulders and seeing the positive results in my family, I wanted to tell the world! Organization is a learnable skill! You don’t have to live with this constant stress! That’s when I then decided to earn my certification and become a certified professional organizer. Since then, I have really enjoyed helping families greatly reduce their stress levels, improve their relationships and live a clutter-free, proactive lifestyle. 

Why Choose Us

As your guides, we are here to educate and encourage. We will come along with you on this journey, but we recognize that you are the hero of your story. We appreciate the vulnerability that it takes to allow someone in, so we strive to create a safe place in which to evaluate and grow. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone and there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Join us for this fun ride and along the way, you will:

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